Available courses

Digital Technologies

Electrical Technologies

Electronic Technologies

Programming Technologies

Embedded Micros Technologies

Web Technologies

Mathematics for Skilled Tradesman

Mathematics for Technicians

When I trained as an Electrician, Digital Technologies was not part of my Curriculum.
I urgently needed to keep up with changes.
Customers ask me every week to Install digital devices and the demand is increasing.
I took the Toptronic College Digital Technologies DT1 to understand the basics of what is inside these devices and what makes them work.
I am very pleased to report that I now have a solid foundation in Digital Technologies and can install modern devices confidently as I understand better how they work.
I have now started with the Electronics Technologies EOT1 Foundation as well because both will help me keep up to date with changes in my industry.
I would definitively be recommending DT1 to all my fellow Electricians. You should not miss this; you need it to keep up with changes and stay relevant.
I have been an Electrical Technician for more than 2 decades and it was time to upgrade my skills to keep up with the digital world.
The Digital Technologies DT1 course has given me so much new knowledge and information I use on a day-to-day basis.
DT1 has been "carer booster" for me. I would not have been able to do my work as well without this course.
It is practical, informative, well presented and I do get updates as they are available so I can stay better informed.
The amount of practical and useful information is not found anywhere else. As you learn, you understand better as you feel it is written by people with life-time experience.
I have been learning 15 minutes every day and the time spent is my best investment in this course.
I am about to finish the EOT1 course which is even more instructive (after DT1, I enrolled for EOT1).
Like me, enroll to upgrade your skills, you will not regret it. As my Team Leader says, (he took DT1 as well), this is the best refresher course he has been through, and he is following up with EOT1).
I am an Experienced Licensed Master Electrician who needed to stay competitive to deliver more complex jobs.
I knew I needed to "Upskill", but I did not realize how important this Digital Technologies course would be and changed my outlook on the future of my day-to-day work and how I do things.
The first 2 lessons were "refresher", but thereafter, each lesson was new knowledge which added on, lesson after lesson, which has become indispensable information I cannot do without.
DT1 increased my capacity to deliver better results to my customers, faster.
I am following up with Learning about Microprocessors with the Embedded Micros Technologies EMT1 because I want to learn to design customized solutions to some of my larger customers and more elaborate properties.
I am an Electrician. In high school, I took Electrical and Electronics courses but dropped out of Electronics.
Back then, I could not see what I could do with electronics, but now, I am a bit sorry because the world is going electronics for everything.
It was time to Refresh and Upskill my knowledge. My company suggested DT1.
So, with DT1, I restarted learning. I found DT1 most informative and practical. So many usefull subjects and tips I did not know.
I became addicted to Digital Technologies.
I then proceeded to refresh my electronics with EOT1.
I really missed things in High School. I recommend DT1 and EOT1 to my colleagues because it makes our job performance better.
DT1 taught Digital Technologies from scratch and EOT1 refreshed and added knowledge to my Electronic Technologies skills.
Just after completing DT1, my company already increased my pay. I am due for the next promotion on graduating EOT1.
I have four kids and a beautiful wife. I am an electrician/plumber with specialty in installing heat pumps and solar geysers (mixed).
I was thinking how I could earn extra to provide a better quality of life for my family.
Opportunities to instal modern alarms and security systems at my existing customer's property was there but I did not have the basic knowledge to be sure I could do it to satisfaction and by myself.
After consulting with friends, I enrolled for the Digital Technologies Course, DT1, directly followed by EOT1. the Electronic Technologies course.
I decided to accelerate learning DT1 and EOT1 and instead of one lesson per day, I did two. It worked!!!
Now, I supply more services to my existing customers. Not only do I do installations, but also maintenance and servicing of these two services: I install and service heat pumps with solar geysers and state of the art security systems.
I also do updates on all the products I install.
I studied Light Electrical Engineering. After I finished University, my first job was working at a large warehouse.
I was involved implementing automation at the warehouse. I was promoted to Warehouse Manager after my manager retired.
I have been in that role for a while.
I wanted to keep up with the latest Technologies and implement new Techniques in our Warehouse.
More of the technologies we use in our warehousing are based on digital, electronics, software and communication technologies.
I did not want to fall behind with these technologies and needed "Practical Knowledge Refreshers and Knowledge Upgrades".
My best friend told me about your courses.
I enrolled to Digital Technologies DT1 as I had not taken that course previously.
That was all new to me and most welcome. I followed with Refreshing my rusty Electrical Technologies EAT1.
Then followed with Electronic Technologies EOT1 and Embedded Micros Technologies EMT1.
I finished these courses by studying on weekends.
I can attest the material of these courses are all useful in my day-to-day position to better understand our equipment and systems and prepare future systems upgrades with suppliers.